What is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?

What is an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?

Software called an applicant tracking system, or ATS, makes your hiring process go more smoothly. In its most basic form, an applicant tracking system (ATS) gathers applications. It records information about them, including the source from which they originated, the role they applied for, and their current application status.

A job board that posts available positions via many channels and gathers applications from job seekers is another feature that an applicant tracking system (ATS) can have. During the hiring process, it’s also typical for an ATS to compile and archive candidate feedback. This also includes the notes the hiring team took after the candidates’ interviews and the materials from their take-home tests.

Why ATS is a good investment

Investing in an ATS makes sense for several reasons. It mainly aids in streamlining your hiring procedure and ensures you can monitor each candidate’s progress. This lowers the possibility of mistakes, redundant work, and candidates needing to be aware of the shuffle.

It also enables recruiting teams to move swiftly and accurately evaluate candidates. Because an applicant tracking system (ATS) makes it simple for recruiters to track candidates’ progress and provide updates, it also means that candidates have a better overall experience. 

Metrics are important to a modern talent acquisition team. An applicant tracking system (ATS) may provide reports that show how many candidates are going through the pipeline, where they are coming from, how long they spend at each step, and much more.

Features an ATS should have


Keep in mind that candidates, hiring managers, and staff members conducting interviews will also interact with your applicant tracking system (ATS) and recruiters.


To maximize your return on investment, you’ll need a platform with a wide range of sourcing features and integrations that simplify identifying your top-performing sourcing channels for each job.


Seek an applicant tracking system that facilitates your ability to evaluate and rank applicants rapidly. Are there features in the program you’re considering that allow you to contact, write notes about candidates, and approve or reject them as you go, making the review process more actionable?

Conducting the interview procedure

Hiring managers working with recruitment can produce comprehensive interview kits that direct interviewers’ questions with the help of an applicant tracking system (ATS) that prioritizes performance. Subsequently, the applicant tracking system (ATS) ought to provide interviewers with a straightforward candidate scorecard that facilitates the evaluation procedure and allows for the quick assessment of a prospect’s abilities and compatibility with the company’s values.

Pipeline metrics

A hiring process dashboard integrated into an applicant tracking system (ATS) should be available to all users. Fundamentally, this entails giving a thorough image of every applicant evaluated for a job, including the results of phone interviews, interviews, take-home exams, previous offers or rejections, and a summary of upcoming hiring events.


Search for software that works with the programs you already use, such as take-home testing systems, video interviewing platforms, and scheduling apps.

Assistance and Guidelines

Whichever ATS you use, you will undoubtedly have many questions—especially in the initial several months. Verify that the provider takes customer service seriously.

Set up

Using a new applicant tracking system (ATS) may require significant modifications to your hiring procedure. To set it up and running, job board integration, data migration, and extensive staff training are usually required. Significant variations exist in the degree of setup support each ATS provider offers.

Data security

Protecting the most sensitive information in your company’s ATS is crucial.

Hire your dream team faster with Jouku Talent Acquisition Software!

Jouku is an end-to-end hiring software that streamlines the process of identifying, interacting with, and employing the best candidates.





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