Boost Your Employer Brand Through Custom Career Site

Boost Your Employer Brand Through Custom Career Site

The hiring process is more complex now. Talent acquisition teams nowadays have to make every effort to draw in applicants, persuade them to apply, and maintain contact with them until they start working. A strong employer brand is a crucial part of your talent acquisition strategy, and it should extend to your custom career site in the competitive talent market.

Even if you have the most exquisite employer brand in the world, it will be undermined if your custom career site is terrible. Adopting a candidate-centric strategy is crucial. Eventually, the candidate represents your potential client. The candidate’s experience is also related to your company brand.

These are the main components of the perfect custom career site.

Tailored, Contextually Appropriate Information

They ought to start with a position that is appropriate for them. After that, they ought to find stuff that gives them confidence that the business is DEI-friendly or offers significant advantages. Provide engaging information for applicants of all stripes, such as employee tales highlighting issues pertinent to them as parents or people from different backgrounds. Jouku takes advantage of automation to guarantee customization and relevancy. Better quality prospects are attracted by targeted, relevant material. It ought to increase your hiring rate as well.

Google’s organic search traffic

Many firms overlook Google visibility, an important aspect of the candidate experience. One of the most well-liked job search sites is Google, where posting positions is free. When you incorporate structured data into your career website, job searchers will be directed to your postings. You wind up paying aggregators to get listed on Google if your custom career site lacks structured data and is buried behind the incorrect URL. The gift that keeps on giving is organic traffic derived from search engines that land on an SEO-optimized career website and job listings.

Simple Application Method

Difficult application processes cause many companies to lose out on potential talent. The moment they see a login screen, application rates immediately decline. The number of applications rises with a one-page application that allows a resume or CV to be uploaded from the cloud. Thus, some firms no longer even request a CV for positions that are extremely difficult to fill. A sequence of pre-configured questions allows candidates to identify their experience. which also works well for many kinds of employment.

Authentic Experiences

Together, these factors have a significant effect. When a candidate visits your website, they should feel like they are a part of your company if you have strong Google exposure, personalization on your custom career site, contextually relevant material, and an efficient application procedure. They recognize themselves as employed there. Self-selection is fueled by relevance, and the application process’s simplicity keeps qualified applicants from quitting.

Legacy technology prevents businesses, like many other issues, from meeting the demands of the modern market. An IT team or agency may be needed to update a career website. The current ATS application procedure may be turning away candidates. However, many companies are unaware of what can be done with career portals.

An applicant tracking system (ATS) can be easily integrated with an SEO-friendly career website that provides candidates with relevant jobs and information, is easy for non-website experts to update, and is optimized for search engines. A career website is more than just a place for your employer brand’s creative and visual elements to shine. Still, it’s also where your employer brand comes to life by providing an amazing candidate experience.

Create your custom career site with Jouku today!

Set up your very own custom career site with Jouku Talent Acquisition Software!

Jouku is an end-to-end hiring software that streamlines the process of identifying, interacting with, and employing the best candidates.

HR teams won’t need to perform as many boring, repetitive duties if HR automation is implemented and used effectively, which will improve productivity and accuracy throughout the entire firm.

This will free up your HR department to use their abilities on a daily basis and focus more of their time and energy on developing a more positive people and work culture.






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