Digital Signature Vs Electronic Signature

Digital Signature Vs Electronic Signature

“Signature” is not just about signing with ink on paper anymore, it also includes various types of digital signatures available today. When we read about digital signatures or electronic signatures, we might wonder: Is there a difference between them?

Digital signature

A digital signature is a method used to verify that signatures on digital documents are genuine, preventing fraud during transmission. It’s a special type of electronic signature that proves to the recipient that the document was signed by the claimed person. In digital signatures, a process based on PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) technology uses a private key to create a unique fingerprint of the document’s information, which is then embedded into the signature data. This data includes a public key linked to the private key. When someone receives the document, they can check the embedded signature data and public key to ensure the document and signatures are authentic. If the document has been altered or the signatures are unreadable, the signature is considered invalid.

Digital signatures ensure that the original document hasn’t been changed and that it’s authentic, much like a unique fingerprint specific to that document. No other document can have the same digital signature.

Also read: What Is Electronic Signature (E-Signature)?

Electronic signature

An electronic signature is a way of signing documents electronically, replacing the traditional method of signing by hand. It includes various forms such as scanned copies of handwritten signatures, typed names, or automated signatures added to emails or letters. Electronic signatures indicate approval of the document’s contents. They can be visually represented or recorded through checkboxes, typed names, or uploaded signature images. Using electronic signatures is often simpler, quicker, and more efficient than using pen and paper. It saves time and money by eliminating the need to print, sign, scan, or mail documents.

Difference between digital signature and electronic signature

An electronic signature is a broad term used for indicating consent or approval electronically. It can include a scanned image of a signature, a digital drawing, a click on a checkbox, or any symbol that signifies agreement with a document. However, electronic signatures do not always include proof of the signer’s identity. For example, anyone could upload an image of a signature without verifying their identity.

On the other hand, digital signatures are more secure and involve advanced technology known as PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). They use digital certificates that include verified details about the signer’s identity. This makes digital signatures more reliable because they provide strong assurances about the identity of the signer and the authenticity and integrity of the signed documents.

Examples of digital signatures

A digital signature, which relies on public key infrastructure (PKI), serves various purposes beyond document signing. While document signatures are widely recognized, digital signatures are also used for authenticating online interactions between servers and clients, securing web traffic, encrypting emails, and verifying the authenticity and integrity of software.

Examples of electronic signatures

An electronic signature is used to signify consent or approval. It can range from a typed name at the end of an email or document to uploading an image of a handwritten signature, or using a digital pad to draw a signature, like when signing for a purchase in a store.

What qualifies as a digital signature?

Digital signatures are a distinct category of electronic signatures integrated into documents, visible as needed for specific applications. They rely on digital certificates issued by trusted certificate authorities or trust service providers.

Is a PDF signature considered an electronic signature?

An electronic signature in a PDF can be implemented quickly with a simple click, while a digital signature requires a digital certificate, also known as a digital ID. Adobe Acrobat Reader supports both electronic and digital signing options, with Entrust’s Document Signing Certificates ensuring secure digital signatures for PDFs.

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