What Is Generative AI And How It Can Help Recruiters

What Is Generative AI And How It Can Help Recruiters

Generative AI involves utilizing AI to generate fresh content such as text, images, music, audio, and videos. It relies on foundation models, which are large AI models capable of multitasking and performing various tasks like summarization, question answering, classification, and more. These models require minimal training and can be easily tailored for specific applications with limited example data.

Generative AI works by teaching a computer program to understand patterns in human-made data. Then, it uses these patterns to create new content. It’s like a tool that makes new things based on what it has learned, rather than just finding answers to specific questions like a search engine does.

How Generative AI Can Help Recruiters

1. Improve job posting

Creating a job posting often exceeds the time available. It involves understanding requirements from various teams, accurately describing job responsibilities, required skills, and personal traits. Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers solutions: it can edit existing postings, identify errors, eliminate repetitive language, and ensure inclusivity. Alternatively, AI can generate new postings and verify their accuracy and relevance. However, human validation remains crucial. AI is invaluable when time is limited or when facing creative challenges in crafting job advertisements.

2. Broadening candidate outreach

Finding people with the right qualifications isn’t easy, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the specific skills and job titles needed. For instance, searching for a “business coach” might not reveal all relevant candidates, as some may use different titles like “business growth consultant” or “management and business development expert”. Tools like Chat GPT can help identify these alternative titles. AI recruitment technologies also assist by suggesting similar skills and job titles, broadening the search and recommending candidates similar to those best suited for the job.

3. Automatically filling in the answers to frequently asked questions

Many times, both before and after applying for a job, people have questions about the position and what to expect in the interview. They often seek follow-up after the interview as well. AI can assist by using a chatbot to provide standard answers to these frequently asked questions. You can use these answers in emails, on your website’s job listings, or on your recruiting platform.

It’s important to give clear instructions to the AI chatbot for best results. Specify the tone, style, and content you prefer for the responses. Remember, these AI-generated responses are just a starting point—you may need to refine them.

Another approach is to compile these FAQs into a document or guide to share with candidates before or after their interview. This improves the candidate experience, increases engagement, and streamlines the recruitment process.

4. Rapidly enhance understanding of job roles

Sometimes, even if you’ve hired someone for a role like a data analyst before, you might still have questions about what exactly they do and what skills they need. If no one in your company can explain it well, Generative Artificial Intelligence can help.

Tools like Chat GPT can assist by answering specific questions and providing insights into the job position. Instead of relying solely on Google searches, where you might need to sift through multiple articles, AI tools allow for interactive learning. You can continuously ask questions to deepen your understanding or use a search engine to get a basic overview and then use AI to explore specific details further.

5. Enhance candidate rapport (beginning with feedback)

Continuously improving how you find candidates is crucial for optimizing your hiring process. Building relationships with candidates step by step is a big part of this. AI can be a valuable tool in several ways. For example, it can help you test email subject lines, opening sentences for conversations, and more. You can also use AI tools to brainstorm new ideas, explore different writing styles, and adjust the tone of your messages.

Think of AI like a helpful colleague who’s always available to answer questions and discuss ideas with you. However, it’s important to note that AI will never replace you as a recruiter because the human touch is essential in building relationships.

These tools rely on clear instructions to be effective, so improvement depends on the people using them. When it comes to intuitive aspects of recruitment—like trusting your gut feeling about a candidate based on their social media or sensing their personality from how they present themselves—this remains deeply human.

Recruitment would lose its effectiveness without human involvement, so it’s up to you to decide how much you want to leverage AI as a tool without letting it replace your role entirely.

Do you want to ethically harness the potential of generative AI? Get started with Jouku now, for free!






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