Types & Strategies for Effective Resume Parsing

Types & Strategies for Effective Resume Parsing

In the quest to find the right candidate, navigating through stacks of resumes can be overwhelming. That’s where understanding different parsing techniques and strategies comes in handy. 

In this article, we’ll share various approaches to help you streamline your hiring process and identify the most promising candidates efficiently. 

Let’s dive into the world of resume parsing and discover the strategies that will revolutionize your recruitment efforts.

3 Types of Resume Parsing

1. Keyword-based parsing

Keyword-based resume parsing is a common and straightforward type of parsing. This software looks through resumes and cover letters for specific words and phrases that match the job description. It helps quickly identify relevant skills and traits.

2. Grammar-based parsing

Grammar-based parsing looks at how sentences are structured in resumes to understand the meaning of words and phrases better. It focuses on finding the right context for terms. For instance, if you’re seeking candidates who mention “responsibility” as a skill, it will only highlight those who use the word in that context, rather than including instances like “responsible for” in their job descriptions.

3. Statistical-based parsing

Statistical parsing is a technique that uses mathematical models to analyze the layouts of resumes. It’s really good at giving precise results and figuring out the meaning of words and sentences. This method can pick out number-related things like addresses or dates in work history.

5 Strategies for Effective Resume Parsing 

1. Be familiar with the software

If your company uses resume parsing software, make sure you understand how it works. Stay updated on any changes or improvements it makes over time. This will help you use the software effectively.

2. Recognize keyword-saturated resume

If a resume perfectly matches the keywords in the job description, it suggests the applicant knows about resume parsing and used it to their advantage. This probably means they carefully read the job posting. It shows they’re really interested in the job and pay close attention to details.

3. Double check the software

If you don’t have too many applicants for a job, it’s a good idea to check the resumes that the parsing software rejected. While parsing is usually accurate, it might miss important details. Reviewing these rejected resumes can also help you find candidates who didn’t fit the parsing criteria but could still be a good match for the job.

4. Consider language differences

While resume parsing software can efficiently match job requirements with applicant skills, it’s essential to recognize variations in wording. For instance, if you’re looking for someone who’s good at generating ideas, candidates who describe themselves as “creative” might still be suitable even if they don’t use the exact phrase you’re searching for. Be open to synonymous words and phrases when using parsing software, so you don’t overlook qualified candidates.

5. Create specific job postings

When creating job postings, be thorough and clear about the skills and qualifications you’re looking for. Include plenty of details about the job expectations. This helps attract qualified candidates and ensures your parsing software can match them accurately.

Related article: Resume Parsing: Revealing The Benefits And Challenges

Looking to automate resume parsing? Try Jouku for free! Jouku is an end-to-end hiring software designed to make finding, engaging and hiring the right people simpler.


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