Ways To Keep Candidates Updated With Their Application Status

Ways To Keep Candidates Updated With Their Application Status

Keeping candidates informed about the status of their applications is crucial for providing a positive experience throughout the hiring process. Effective communication not only demonstrates professionalism but also fosters trust and transparency between the employer and the candidate. 

In this article, we’ll explore various strategies and best practices to ensure that candidates are consistently updated on their application status, helping to streamline the hiring process and enhance the overall candidate experience.

1. Automate your updates

An easy way to keep applicants informed is by using a system, software or platform that sends automatic emails or texts as they move through the hiring process. You can set it up to confirm when you get their application, invite them to interviews, or let them know if they aren’t chosen. You can personalize the messages to match your style and company, and include any important details. Automating this process saves time and makes sure everyone hears back quickly and consistently.

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2. Set clear expectations

Another way to keep applicants informed is to be upfront about the hiring process, how long it might take, and what comes next. You can share this info in your job ads, when you first get in touch, and in any follow-up messages. If things change or there are delays, let them know why. Being clear about what to expect helps applicants get ready, plan ahead, and avoids any confusion or frustration.

3. Personalize your feedback

Although automated messages are useful for general updates, it’s important to offer personalized feedback to candidates who have dedicated time and effort to the hiring process. This means reaching out directly through phone calls or emails to candidates who have completed assessments, phone interviews, or in-person interviews. Provide them with specific and helpful feedback about how they did, what they did well, and areas where they could improve. Giving this personalized feedback demonstrates that you value their efforts and professionalism, and it gives them the opportunity to learn and develop from the experience.

4. Stay in contact

You can ensure candidates stay informed by maintaining communication with them throughout the hiring process until they are either hired, placed elsewhere, or opt-out. Keep them updated on any relevant developments, offer assistance or guidance, and encourage them to join your network or community. After they’re hired, continue to check in to see how they’re settling in and if they need any help. Keeping in touch helps build a positive relationship, loyalty, and increases the likelihood of them staying and referring others to your company.

Read also: What Is Interview Scheduling?


To sum up, maintaining regular and transparent communication with candidates regarding their application status is essential for fostering a positive relationship and ensuring a smooth hiring process. 

By implementing the strategies discussed in this article, employers can not only keep candidates informed but also demonstrate their commitment to professionalism and respect. Ultimately, prioritizing effective communication enhances the candidate experience, strengthens the employer brand, and contributes to the successful recruitment and retention of top talent.





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