6 Tips for Using Automated Resume Screening Software

6 Tips for Using Automated Resume Screening Software

In today’s tough job market, businesses get many resumes in response to every job vacancy.

Modern employment is led by automated resume screening, which speeds up the hiring process by quickly sorting through many applications.

What does Automated Resume Screening mean?

Software, usually an applicant tracking system (ATS), automatically reviews candidate resumes. This way, recruiters can quickly find the best candidates and focus on those who meet the standards.

Automated resume screening ensures the process is thorough and fair for all candidates. Instead of being judged by the recruiter’s unconscious bias, a machine asks each candidate about their experience and schooling. It rates them based on how well they fit the job description.

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is software that helps companies keep track of job applications. It saves, sorts, and keeps track of candidate data like resumes, cover letters, and other application materials. ATS software looks through resumes for keywords, skills, and traits that match the job posting. So, it helps keep track of many applications and ensures that the hiring process is always the same.

Here are the six best ways for your HR staff to use automated resume screening software.

Of course, having the best automated resume screening tools is not enough. You need to use these tools properly to get all the above benefits. Here are six best practices to ensure you get a good return on your investment.

6 tips for using automated resume screening software:

These things should be on your list if you want to use automated resume screening tools immediately.

1. Have your team help you choose the tools.

You need to include all of your hiring managers in the process, no matter how many there are. To begin, ask them what problems they want the tool to fix. Say, do your present tools show you too many candidates who aren’t qualified? 

Get the people who hire you on board with your resume screening tool once you know what problems it needs to solve. Make sure they:

  • Know how to use it. 
  • Able to see how it fixes problems.
  • Learn how it works and how to make it fit your needs.
  • Most importantly, have fun using it.

Let some staff members join the demo calls and ask questions to get hiring managers on board. 

It’s important to keep asking them what they think, even after you’ve bought the tool and are testing it. One way to do this is to use an employee pulse poll.


What is Automated Resume Screening?

10 Essential Features for Talent Acquisition Software

How applicant tracking system (ATS) improve hiring

2. Write down the requirements for screening

Always ensure that the screening criteria are right for the job so you don’t miss out on candidates with useful skills. There should be five things on your resume review list:

Experience: For this job, how many years of training do you need? Is it required?

Education: Do you need a college degree or other credentials for this job?

Communication skills: For instance, do the best candidates need to be good at talking to or managing people?

Technology skills: What knowledge or tools do you think the candidates should know?

PersonalityWhat skills would help them in this job, on this team, or in the culture of this company?

3. Remove the degree requirements when it’s not necessary.

Using degree standards is a quick and easy way to eliminate resumes, especially when screening them by hand. However, having tight degree requirements for jobs where they aren’t needed hurts your ability to find qualified candidates. 

Some jobs, like medical and law, require a degree, but others do not. 

Many companies know this and are “resetting” degree requirements to make room for skilled candidates who got their qualifications in other ways. 

For jobs that require degrees, resume screening software can save a lot of time. However, you should always ask yourself if a degree is a must-have or just a nice-to-have for the job opening.

4. Get in touch with candidates directly

When talking to candidates, speed is very important. More than half of them will lose interest if they don’t hear back for a long time.

Because of this, don’t lose the time you save by not having to screen resumes by hand:

  • Your applicant tracking system (ATS) can send automatic emails to keep people current. 
  • Set up an alert to check in with prospects at set times. 
  • When the office is closed, use an HR robot to answer quick questions.

5. Watch out for bias

When you use software to screen resumes, you still need to be careful about choosing people without bias.

A bias tracker can help you avoid these problems and make your workplace a place where everyone feels welcome.

A bias dashboard is an extra dashboard that looks at how analytics tools like a resume generator work for various groups and marks biased results. You could do this yourself or ask the company that provides your ATS to assist you.

6. Use software to look over resumes and tests together

As potential evaluation software, resume screening tools have a lot of flaws. Candidates often lie on their papers and might not know how good they are.

More than half of hiring managers think that changes in technology, like robots in the workplace, will change the skills they need. Candidates aren’t always in the best position to know and list these skills on their resume.

You decide what to test for with skills tests, and you can change the tests to fit your changing needs. This lets you make hiring choices based on data.

You can either throw away or use resumes later to learn more about the candidate’s experience and skills.

Jouku helps you hire better!

Employers can save time and money by using automated resume screening and applicant tracking systems (ATS) to go through a lot of resumes quickly, find the best candidates, as well as avoid common mistakes. This leads to better hiring results.

Jouku‘s plan includes automation tools and personal help from hiring pros to make sure you get the best candidates.

So, let’s work together to find and hire the best people for your company. Post a job on Jouku today!





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